Return Policy

We want you to be happy!

Hampcs will happily accept merchandise for return in its original packaging and condition, and accompanied by the original order number.

Return Processing

Return your items within 30 days for a full merchandise refund. We will process your return promptly upon receipt. Your refund will be credited back to the original method of payment. Please note: Banks often take one to two billing periods before refunds appear on your credit card statement.

Returns made within 31-90 days of the original purchase will be refunded to a hampcs Gift Card at the original price paid.

No returns accepted after 90 days of original purchase.

How to return your items:

We offer two methods

1. China Post return service label.

Hampcs has teamed up with China Post to make your return easier. Please fill out the China Post returns form and print the label. Simply affix the label to the package you are returning and drop it off at any China Post Store location. To find a drop-off location near you or to track your return package, These automated return labels cannot be used for international returns.

Create your hampcs return label

2. Merchandise can also be returned at any hampcs store location with the original packing list.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]